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XLWRITE Write to Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file using Java


function [status, message]=xlwrite(filename,A,sheet, range)


 XLWRITE Write to Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file using Java
   XLWRITE(FILE,ARRAY) writes ARRAY to the first worksheet in the Excel
   file named FILE, starting at cell A1. It aims to have exactly the same
   behaviour as XLSWRITE. See also XLSWRITE.

   XLWRITE(FILE,ARRAY,SHEET) writes to the specified worksheet.

   XLWRITE(FILE,ARRAY,RANGE) writes to the rectangular region
   specified by RANGE in the first worksheet of the file. Specify RANGE
   using the syntax 'C1:C2', where C1 and C2 are opposing corners of the

   XLWRITE(FILE,ARRAY,SHEET,RANGE) writes to the specified SHEET and

   STATUS = XLWRITE(FILE,ARRAY,SHEET,RANGE) returns the completion
   status of the write operation: TRUE (logical 1) for success, FALSE
   (logical 0) for failure.  Inputs SHEET and RANGE are optional.

   Input Arguments:

   FILE    String that specifies the file to write. If the file does not
           exist, XLWRITE creates a file, determining the format based on
           the specified extension. To create a file compatible with Excel
           97-2003 software, specify an extension of '.xls'. If you do not
           specify an extension, XLWRITE applies '.xls'.
   ARRAY   Two-dimensional logical, numeric or character array or, if each
           cell contains a single element, a cell array.
   SHEET   Worksheet to write. One of the following:
           * String that contains the worksheet name.
           * Positive, integer-valued scalar indicating the worksheet
           If SHEET does not exist, XLWRITE adds a new sheet at the end
           of the worksheet collection.
   RANGE   String that specifies a rectangular portion of the worksheet to
           read. Not case sensitive. Use Excel A1 reference style.
           * If you specify a SHEET, RANGE can either fit the size of
             ARRAY or specify only the first cell (such as 'D2').
           * If you do not specify a SHEET, RANGE must include both
             corners and a colon character (:), even for a single cell
             (such as 'D2:D2').
           * If RANGE is larger than the size of ARRAY, Excel fills the
             remainder of the region with #N/A. If RANGE is smaller than
             the size of ARRAY, XLWRITE writes only the subset that fits
             into RANGE to the file.

   * This function requires the POI library to be in your javapath.
     To add the Apache POI Library execute commands:
     (This assumes the POI lib files are in folder 'poi_library')
   * Excel converts Inf values to 65535. XLWRITE converts NaN values to
     empty cells.

   % Write a 7-element vector to testdata.xls:
   xlwrite('testdata.xls', [12.7, 5.02, -98, 63.9, 0, -.2, 56])

   % Write mixed text and numeric data to testdata2.xls
   % starting at cell E1 of Sheet1:
   d = {'Time','Temperature'; 12,98; 13,99; 14,97};
   xlwrite('testdata2.xls', d, 1, 'E1')

   20121004 - First version using JExcelApi
   20121101 - Modified to use POI library instead of JExcelApi (allows to
           generate XLSX)
   20121127 - Fixed bug: use existing rows if present, instead of
           overwrite rows by default. Thanks to Dan & Jason.
   20121204 - Fixed bug: if a numeric sheet is given & didn't exist,
           an error was returned instead of creating the sheet. Thanks to Marianna
   20130106 - Fixed bug: use existing cell if present, instead of
           overwriting. This way original XLS formatting is kept & not
   20130125 - Fixed bug & documentation. Incorrect working of NaN. Thanks Klaus
   20130227 - Fixed bug when no sheet number given & added Stax to java
               load. Thanks to Thierry

   Copyright 2012-2013, Alec de Zegher


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